Put Down the Silverware

Mindfulness is improved not by length of time but by regularity of practice.

Regular pauses throughout the day reset your perspective and rewire your brain.

Eating is a regular practice—you do it many times throughout the day. It’s a place to pause!

When you eat, put down the silverware (or the sandwich) between bites of food. This invites a slower eating process.

Notice the colors, textures, and flavors in your food. Give yourself a chance to fully chew and absorb.

Putting down your silverware is also a practice in letting go. Sometimes we grip life tightly (including our silverware). It’s a relief to let go.

Try this for the first three bites of each meal—that’s all!

After those bites, you can eat however you want. Yet you’ve created a space and engaged your senses.

You might start looking forward to those first few bites. A place to pause and enjoy. A reminder to savor, even during a busy day.