I Love Teachers!

This week and next, I’m leading a mindfulness training for pre-K teachers. It’s a chance for them to expand their inner resources and also learn about the Kindness Curriculum, which includes lessons on mindfulness, emotions, gratitude, forgiveness, and kindness, all geared toward young children.

These teachers are devoted (wholeheartedly!) to the kids in their classrooms. They genuinely care about the well-being and development of little ones. They’re creative, generous, and hard working. So hard working that their own well-being suffers. I remind them again and again: take a break, be kind to yourself, and fill up your own “joy cup.”

I’ve done many mindfulness trainings with teachers in the Appleton Area School District. Again, they’re devoted to their students. They give and give and give. Their work is as important as the work of police officers, fire fighters, and doctors. They’re not in it for the money (which isn’t much); they’re in this career because they believe education (broadly defined) makes a difference in this complicated world. I’m honored each and every time I work with teachers.

Wednesday evening, when AASD announced an all-virtual start to the school year, I was saddened by the attacks on teachers. I know these comments came from a place of stress and fear and frustration, but I want to take a stand for teachers: they do amazing, vital work for our communities. They give generously. They care deeply. They’re doing the very best they can in a complex, ever-changing situation.

I love teachers! Deep thanks for the work you do. You give me hope, not by doing anything grand, but by doing what’s right in front of you (with kindness and care) every day.
