What's Real

Hey, y'all! I've been away for awhile.

Each time I think of posting, I feel stuck, like I have nothing meaningful to offer. Does this happen to you? We're such harsh critics of ourselves.

I took this photograph during an evening neighborhood walk. These grape hyacinths exist within a lawn, not a separate flower bed. It's a messy, beautiful yard.

As I continued my walk, I realized: We all have weeds, we all have imperfect yards and homes, we have messy lives!

I don't need to provide deep meaning or special inspiration in my posts. I just need to show up and be me.

Here's what's up...

~ I'm in love with and in wonder of the wild, contained chaos in my backyard flower beds.

~ My yard is full of weeds and I can't bring myself to use chemicals, so I sit in the messy, no-mow-May-ness of the lawn. (Embrace the weeds!)

~ The last few weeks, my thoughts haven't immediately gone to COVID and precautions I "should" be taking and restriction of my life. Holy wow, that's amazing!

~ I'm even more committed to my work in prison. The meditation circles there are insightful, real, honest, and powerful. Change can happen!

~ I've had insomnia for 3+ months. (Expected from a medication change but amazingly hard.) There's an existential and yet primal feeling that maps your day when you don't sleep.

~ I love creating community; space where people feel held and heard and seen. I was grateful to do that in academia with college students. I'm now grateful to hold spaces where we (mid-life!) folks share, feel, and change.

It's spring. The earth awakens. Plants grow inches each day.

Our human hearts are coming alive in ways we can't yet imagine!