Emerging: From Dormancy Into Light

December 1 to february 29

A 3-month journey to honor your emotions, awaken your spirit, and expand your heart.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You feel blah and unmotivated during winter.

  • You have a complicated relationship with the holidays.

  • You feel burned out: emotionally tired, unmotivated, and lacking confidence.

  • You make New Year’s resolutions but they quickly fade.

  • You seek well-being and creativity yet aren’t sure how.

Emerging is my 3-month program to inspire, guide, and nourish you through winter.

Contact me if you have questions: Click here

In Wisconsin, we drop below ten hours of daylight on November 6. Growth subsides; plants go dormant. We humans crave more rest, reflection, and intimacy.

On February 6, we move (again!) beyond ten hours of daylight. Plants revive; new growth begins. We mimic the plants: reaching for light, anticipating spring.

In the busyness of life, it’s easy to push through these three months, not stopping nor setting intentions. Each February, we unintentionally land somewhere, having “made it through” another winter.

What if you experienced this three-month period as an important internal journey toward self-compassion and possibility?

Every time I see a message from Joy, a sense of peace washes over me. I know that each click brings something meaningful to my life. She encourages me to see the world anew and dig deep into my own heart. Joy will guide you through opportunities for growth, reflection, connection, and more! Winter is the perfect time to lean in and listen.
— Angela Z.

the emerging program allows you to…


Embrace rest and non-doing (this helps your doings!)


Live, love, and work with intention. (Express from your heart.)


Slow the pace of the holidays. Savor more, stress less.


Create new habits of mindfulness and self-care.


Reconnect with what matters most. (Set an intention for the year.)


learn to trust yourself and believe in your enoughness.

Emerging is an excellent program and Joy is a wonderful facilitator. Her knowledge, demeanor, and overwhelming compassion are attributes that pull together this community. The group was diverse, and we blended nicely. The group sharing on Zoom was awesome. More so, the knowledge that there were others in our group gave me a compelling sense of belonging. Joy is in my heart now, both figuratively and literally.
— Peg M.

Hi! My name is Joy. I'm a mindfulness teacher and, more importantly, I’m a human being who continues to grow, change, and heal each year.

Gradually, I’ve learned to embrace winter—its raw vulnerability, unique beauty, and inward invitation. As daylight hours wane, I create rituals to plants seeds (inner and outer), restore and nurture, then grow toward the light.

For the third year, I’m sharing this powerful process with others. I’d love to have you on the journey!

Joy’s Emerging process allowed me to enter a deep and beautiful unfolding. It was a perfect combination of asynchronous and live experiences, which complimented my life and my schedule. Joy’s compassion, empathy, and kindness were incredibly supportive and nurturing. The universe has a funny way of giving us just what we need at the time we need it most. I am grateful to have had this opportunity!
— Shannon S.

HERE’S HOW the emerging program WORKS…

  • You access the course content on my website, so you experience lessons in the comfort of your home and at a convenient time for you.

  • You receive 1-2 lessons a week, so there’s a steady pace forward, yet it won’t overwhelm.

  • You get helpful instruction on meditation, journaling, intention-setting, self-care, and everyday mindfulness—scaffolding to form new habits.

  • This instruction comes in different forms—monthly and weekly themes, audio-guided meditations, writing prompts, creative assignments, life inspiration—so the material feels fresh and you feel motivated.

  • You participate in four live sessions, so you experience Joy’s presence and direct guidance, as well as support from the group. (One session with the Emerging group only, and three Refuge Space sessions.)

  • You get a Spark Session with Joy, so you share, process, and meditate in an individualized and healing way.

  • The program lasts three months, so you commit to your well-being and create lasting change.



Look Inward

Weekly themes: Re-envision winter, mindful holidays, self-compassion, word for 2024

Live Session: DECEMBER 6, 7-8p CT

Refuge Space: DECEMBER 20, 7-8p CT



Clear the Path

Weekly themes: Letting go and bringing in, find your inner light, notice old habits, release and create, grow with intention

Refuge Space: JANUARY 17, 7-8p CT


Reach Toward the Light

Weekly themes: Honoring what’s difficult, embracing what’s good, love inward and outward, moving forward with intention

Refuge Space: FEBRUARY 21 , 7-8p CT

You won’t know the exact place you’ll arrive at the end of February, but you’ll be there with love, intention, and energy.


  • Here’s the basic rhythm: grounding meditation, short teaching about the monthly theme, additional guided reflection + journal writing, and sharing within the group. Your camera can be on or off. You get to show up just as you are!

  • The four live sessions are 7-8p Central Time on Wednesdays (December 6, December 20, January 17, and February 21).

  • The first session, December 6, is for our Emerging group only. It’s a chance to meet and share. That session will be recorded. If you miss, you can watch the replay.

    The next three sessions are Refuge Spaces, which include other people. These won’t be recorded. But if you miss one, you can join a future Refuge Space and extend your journey!

    The live sessions are an important part of this program. If your schedule doesn’t let you attend any live sessions, it’s best to postpone Emerging until next year.

  • We meet for an hour via Zoom. I begin with a grounding meditation. Then we have an honest and caring conversation about whatever feels most important to you. Based on that conversation, I guide another meditation, which gets to the heart of whatever issue you’re facing.

    There’s nothing you need to do to prepare. Show up just as you are!

  • We’re on this journey for three glorious months together! It’s okay if you miss a week (or weeks). The pace of the program is steady yet not overwhelming. You can begin again at any time. And the holidays are an especially powerful time to practice mindfulness and intention (whether or not you’re traveling).

  • You don’t need a specific idea, project, or intention. You might not know where you are or where you want to go. That’s okay! Let yourself start right where you are. Show up as-is. Your intentions(s) will organically form as you move through the program. Trust in your beautiful, tender, brave heart!

  • At checkout, you can choose PayPal. From within your PayPal account, you can choose “Pay in 4” (this might also appear as “Buy Now, Pay Later”). If you don’t have a PayPal account, then contact me about alternative payment plans.


During the Emerging program, Joy helped me connect the dots on so many things going on in my life. Throughout the class I felt fully supported, appropriately challenged, and always made to feel I was exactly where I belonged and never behind, something my perfectionism and anxiety appreciated. The group quickly became a circle of trust with Joy’s leadership. I always felt in good hands with Joy.
— Cindy D.

Consciously slow down, look inward, and set intentions. Make space for self-care, healing, and growth. Emerge more authentically, beautifully you!


let yourself grow, heal, and emerge.