Daily life is filled with demands, commitments, and expectations. There’s little space for deep reflection or even basic self-care.

My courses and coaching provide simple tools and strategies that help you rediscover joy, listen inward, and step into a feeling of enoughness.

online classes

experience mindfulness in the comfort of your own home


online classes: mindfulness within daily life

You’re busy. Daily life is filled with commitments, expectations, and demands. Yet mindfulness can exist within the busyness. Small, doable practices. My online classes include heartfelt teachings, guided meditations, and writing exercises. Get support from an expert teacher and a caring community.


spark sessions

Meditation to Illuminate your path


spark Sessions: quiet your inner critic and step into your light

Do you feel stuck, lost, or uninspired? Have you tried different “fixes,” only to be back at square one? After seeing so many people struggle with a feeling of “not enough”—I’ve felt this, too!—I created the Spark Session program to empower your inner nurturer and ignite your spark, so you live a more courageous, wholehearted life.


In-person classes (appleton, WI)

Put your well-being on the calendar


Group classes at the scheig center

Have you tried meditation yet can’t create a habit? Is mindfulness on your wish-you-could-do list? To practice mindfulness, it’s helpful to have a teacher. I provide scaffolding—small, doable steps—so you can slow down, listen inward, and make more conscious choices. No special equipment, clothes, or experience necessary. Show up just as you are!

Joy is amazing! I have attended many of her classes and consistently use the guided meditations on her website to find peace in my daily life. I highly recommend Joy to anyone looking for an inspiring teacher.
— Kris M.

Hi, my name is Joy. I help people who struggle with anxiety, exhaustion, and busyness to slow down and savor life.

Mindfulness and meditation seem daunting but I teach practices that are easy to work into your day. These are low-commitment but high-impact tools that are quick to master.

With my guidance, mindfulness goes from something you wish you did regularly to a well-formed habit integrated into your life. 

Other ways to connect with Joy…


The pocket Pause: A free daily text that reminds you to slow down and breathe

Moments of mindfulness: A free mini-class for more presence and ease


mindfulness while on social media


the daily ground: meditations to soften and shape your mood